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: the branch of botany that studies terrestrial, freshwater and marine algae.

Codium bursa
Codium bursa
Algology : another name for the study of algae now usually replaced by the term phycology.
Seaweeds are marine algae.

Although algae classification has changed through the years, algae are traditionally placed in the kingdom of plants because of their similarity to land plants and their photosynthetic properties.

Among the main divisions of the algae group, it is worth mentioning:
CHLOROPHYTA, green algae (1200 species). About 90% of green algae live in freshwater. The typical green color is the result of the dominant pigment of chlorophyll.
PHAEOPHYTA, brown algae (1200 species). They are always marine with some rare exceptions and reach their greatest abundance in cold temperate waters. They come in a wide variety of shapes and are the largest seaweeds found in the oceans. Kelp (Laminaria) forest of California or chilean coasts are up to 50 meters long. Wracks is the common name given to Fucus group. The Sargasso sea, often associated with the notorious"Bermuda Triangle" is so named due to the accumulation of a strange forest of Sargassum seaweeds.
RHODOPHYTA red algae (6500 species). Most of them are marine. The red color is due to the larger amount of red phycoblin pigments. They offer the most unimaginable range of reds. Two extracts of red algae, agar and carrageenan have a great significance on the international economy of seaweed and its derivatives. Therefore, farming and harvesting of red algae are developing in numerous areas of the world. Nori (Porphyra sp.), dulse (Palmaria palmata) are edible seaweeds considered as a delicacy.


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